Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am....

I am selfish...
I am needy...
I am loud...
I am scared...
I am discontent...
I want something more...
Something I am not ready for...
Yet the deepest part of me cries out...
Showing me what it is that I long for...
Yet I feel unready...
I feel unable...
I feel disabled...
I know it could be great...
Yet wonder if I would let it fall to ruin...
Dear God increase!
And until then I am....


Poems of Long Ago said...

i have no idea what this is about(my turn to be clueless LOL). its nicely written & in my opinion from being a well versed cryptic writer myself, this is indeed done well haha. want to share?

Adam Hale said...

hopefully we can start having band practice again
hopefully sennit recovers soon

seems like being content with yourself is when you start really serving others
i know this is true for myself
ive never been fully content